❤ Plasticine in jars (zero waste and minimalism)❤

On 15/04/2016 0

In ❤ Zéro déchet ❤

Play doh bocaux pate a modeler zero dechet 1

As in many homes where there are children at home, there were a few pots of dough to shape the play doh brand that was lying in a closet.
I would prefer that my kitties playing with dough made by my hands but their was offered by my surroundings and it is out of question I then throw the dough is in excellent condition.

I have nothing against this sensory activity, children are great and do take longer everywhere for years but as minimalist and having the perspective of zero waste, I could not bear to see 25 yellow pots plastic pile up in my closet.
So I opted for two large jars the perfect, found in Emmaus who is my official supplier for this brand jar and son, we opened and emptied each pot to put the play doh in the jars.
It was much nicer to look at and easier to store.
When Nene took the two jars, for the first time she did not have to ask to open, this facilitated his life this new container.
For those who wonder what will become of the little yellow pots, they will end up in the trash, do not worry, acquaintances Facebook retrieves this morning for reuse at home.
So before there were little yellow pots everywhere in my house and now are glass jars.
Besides the minimalist side, it saves me time to clean the closet, but also time during the preparation of this activity.
Life is beautiful and colorful as the dough ^^

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